May 26, 2021
“Whatever I can do, she can do better... She is equally responsible with me for everything that goes on here.” And with that, we begin gushing about another collaborator CoupleCo, this one responsible for so much of the design that we are used to in our lives today. Charles and Ray Eames were iconic...
May 19, 2021
Crushing it by modeling other successful businesses is a time-honored tradition. Having vision. Taking chances. Being bold. Sticking to your guns. Knowing each other’s strengths. Presenting a united front. All great qualities, and all part of the package created by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, founders of...
May 12, 2021
This is the credit where credit is due episode. Do you need to take credit for everything? Do you dismiss the contributions of others? Do the ideas of the other players get short shrift because they aren’t yours? Why are we even asking these questions? If the answer to all of the above is yes, you probably don’t...
May 5, 2021
In a time when so-called word-of-mouth advertising is more powerful than ever, one must consider always entertaining the enthusiastic fan. Dismissing the fan can be dismissing a vast number of sales. And when you’re a CoupleCo working together, you have the opportunity to help steer the other who might be...